Chalazion Surgery in London

Chalazion Surgery in London

Eyelid stye surgery

If you’ve recently noticed a painful, unsightly lump on your upper or lower eyelid, it can be a cause for concern. It can be distressing and may have an impact on your day-to-day activities and self-confidence. On this page, we’ll explain the difference between eyelid cysts, and explore how you may be able to manage these conditions without resorting to surgery.

What is the difference between a stye, a hordeolum, a chalazion and meibomian cyst and how do you treat them?


A Stye is a Hordeolum

A stye, also known as a hordeolum, is a common, self-limiting bacterial infection that affects the glands of the eyelid. It typically presents as a tender lump on either the inside or outside of the eyelid, referred to as the meibomian glands and the glands of Zeiss, respectively.


In most cases, a stye will go away without treatment. To facilitate healing, it is recommended to use warm compresses or hot flannels to heat up the eyelid in order to melt the oils in the blocked glands. Applying gentle pressure to the stye may also help it to discharge and heal naturally. In some cases, an antibiotic ointment may be required; however, there is limited evidence for its use.


If a stye becomes associated with a skin infection known as cellulitis, medical attention will be needed and you may be prescribed oral antibiotics. If you experience fever, sweats, blurry vision, reduced visual acuity, double vision, or swelling of the eyeball, medical attention should be sought immediately.

A Meibomian cyst is a Chalazion

A chalazion, also known as a Meibomian cyst, is a cyst in the eyelid caused by a blocked gland, either a Meibomian gland or a gland of Zeiss. It can occur following a stye or external hordeolum, and can present as a tender, painful lump or swelling near the lid margin.

 In younger and older children, chalazia are typically found in the upper and lower eyelids. Treatment typically involves the use of warm compresses to heat up the eyelid, as well as the use of a clean washcloth and warm water with baby shampoo.

Risk factors for chalazia include Meibomian gland dysfunction, Seborrheic dermatitis, and Rosacea. In rare cases, a recurrent chalazion in an older person may be a sign of a more serious condition such as sebaceous carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma and should be addressed immediately.

Why is chalazion surgery done?

Surgery is an option for those who suffer from persistent, unsightly chalazia that do not settle with hot compresses, massage, or anti-inflammatory eye drops. Steroid injections may be offered as a treatment option, but the results are variable.

 If the chalazion is not resolving despite treatment, surgical removal under local or general anesthesia (particularly in children) may be considered. Note that insurance coverage for chalazion surgery may depend on your policy, and cosmetic procedures may not be covered.

What are the risks?

Possible risks of chalazion surgery which is carried out as a day procedure where you go home on the same day include:

To find out the most applicable risks you should talk to your doctor to understand more about chalazion surgery as well as the benefits and if they apply to you. This way you can decide with your doctor whether chalazion surgery is a good option.

How you prepare

Before performing chalazion surgery, you will meet with an eye plastic surgeon specializing in blepharoplasty to discuss:

Before having chalazion surgery, it is important to stop taking any blood-thinning medication, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin, apixaban, and any other medications that may cause increased bleeding.

Your doctor will discuss these medications with you to ensure it is safe for you to stop taking them before the surgery. Additionally, stopping smoking several weeks before surgery can help improve healing after the surgery. Finally, make sure to arrange for someone to take you home after the operation.

What you can expect before the procedure?

Chalazion surgery is typically performed as a day case procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. Before the surgery begins, your surgeon will inject a local anesthetic into the eyelids to numb the area.

At our renowned London oculoplastic clinic, our expert ophthalmologists utilize advanced slit lamp technology to meticulously evaluate each patient's ocular health. Through this sophisticated examination, we ensure a comprehensive assessment of every intricate detail of the eye, prioritizing your visual well-being with exceptional precision and care.
At our esteemed London clinic, our dedicated oculoplastic specialist, clad in professional attire, meticulously performs comprehensive eye examinations utilizing advanced slit lamp technology. This precise evaluation allows us to assess the need for blepharoplasty, ensuring that your vision and aesthetic goals are both addressed with exceptional care and expertise.

What you can expect during the procedure

After injecting a local anesthetic, your surgeon will make an incision along the underside of the eyelid in order to remove the chalazion and allow its contents to discharge. A patch is then placed on the eyelid for four hours before being removed, and any scarring remains on the underside of the eyelid and should not be visible for a natural appearance. Mr Ahmad Aziz specializes in this procedure, and performs it in Central London.

What you can expect after the procedure

After surgery you are monitored for complications. You can leave later that day to recover and start healing at home.

After surgery you may temporarily experience:

Your doctor will likely suggest you take the following steps after surgery:

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of the following:

What are the results of surgery?

Many patients who undergo chalazion surgery report being satisfied with the results, which can include a more natural appearance, improved vision if the peripheral field was being obstructed, and increased self-confidence due to the reduction of the eyelid lump. 

The results of this surgery can last a lifetime, but some patients may experience recurring chalazia due to blocked glands in the sebaceous glands around the eye. Bruising and swelling can take up to two weeks to settle down, and scars can take months to fully fade, although they should be well-covered on the underside of the eyelid. To maintain the results, patients should protect their eyelids from too much sun exposure, as they would with any other part of their skin.



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